The best concert ever!

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Hi, today I will tell you about the best concert in my life.
In May of this year, I went to see Dennis Cruz in Los Domos de la Dehesa.
Dennis Cruz it is a spanish Dj, his debut was in 2010, his style is deep- tech and techno  with strong rhythms, wich connect with the public and fill them with positive energy.
I went with my brother and his friends, the moment was very nice with them.
The concert was is very fantastic, the place had many positive energy and it was a full of very nice people, the play of lights and sound was fantastic, also the place is a beutiful.  I think it was a good concert, where I met amazing people that now they are my friends.
In the concert I danced a lot and I sang with my brother and other people. All this made me feel very happy and free my stress. Really, I enjoyed a lot.
I hope Dennis will return to Chile soon, to see him again and go with my friends.


  1. It seems like there was an amazing atmosphere. So glad that you liked it.

  2. I love techno! I was to Los Domos de La Dehesa but I was to a party, I don't know if it was same time

  3. That sounds cool, I would like to go to a techno concert like that one day!


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